Monday, March 12

Teen Togs: Our First Ever PhotoWalk!


The Teen Togs group has been really busy these past few weeks. We had a photowalk, a photo competition and a photo challenge!

This extra big (long) but definitely fun and colorful blog post is for all the patient Teen Togs (and their parents) who have been waiting for this update. What we'll be having here, ladies and gentlemen, will be a three-part series. An Ultra Special SPECIAL!

Part 1: The Photo Walk


Date: 9 February 2012
Time: 2.15 pm
Meeting Place: NHJS Canteen
Theme: Macro and Architectural Photography
Location: Residential Area


The photowalk started with excited young teens off on some great adventure! Never mind that all we were going to explore was a residential area two minutes away from the campus. Never mind that the sun was glaring hot. We were off to make images and we were going to accept the challenge!


Macro Images and Architectural Photography, here we come! And so we did. We went. We saw. We captured.


What I love about the photowalk? The excitement of these young photographers: the young eyes which see everything for the first time - again. :) They inspire me.

Enjoy the beautiful images these talented teen togs made!

(I love her composition!)

(This one is just so pretty! It was also taken with the bird behind the bars and the camera on the other side! Pretty nifty, don't you think?)

(A beautiful take on silhouettes!)

(She has such a natural ability to see!)

(I love the the flare!)

Photobucket (The colours are just so pretty!)

Here we all are. (The all includes the person behind this lens, too: me!) :)


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