Thursday, January 5

Capturing Moments: 3 Quick Tips for Portrait Sessions | Aims


He came very reluctantly and started all shy. Took him about 5 minutes to warm up but once he did, we were on a roll!


I love this portrait session for many reasons but I've narrowed it down to three. And, coincidentally, these are the three top things I put in to most of my portrait sessions.

Quick Tip #1: Use what you have.

These are backyard shots. I love our backyard. This goes to show that any place is a good place with the right light.


Quick Tip #2: Short and sweet.

All these happened in 30 minutes. 


Quick Tip #3: Bond with your subject.

These are all of one of the best birthday gifts I've ever received: my youngest brother. Isn't he the sweetest?



These 3 Quick Tips are not the end all of portraiture, but they work for me most of the time.  If you have a tip to share for portraiture, please share it in the comments section below so we can spread the information and enjoy prettier images all around. :)

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