It takes a village to raise a child. It takes families of different kinds. It takes mothers and fathers and older and younger siblings of different personalities, and different blessings, to encourage one soul to grow.
On a lighter note, having a village to back you up means more reasons to celebrate! We joined my nephew's first birthday party celebration in the Philippines!
On a more heartfelt note, I am in tears to see, to know, to be THANKFUL that my son will grow in his own little village of love. Where friends, families - related by blood or by soul - all co-exist to ensure that he grows up well.
On the 30th of Decemer 2010, we dedicated our son to God and, with the villages he has inherited from myself and his father, prayed for his future. It was such a beautiful thing to see love enclose all around him through the presence of the people who came and those who sent their love. It was a beautiful intimate ceremony, led by my father, my son's grandfather. Candles and prayers and kindness and friendship and love were all in attendance.
My son, you are so blessed with such a beautiful village to grow up in. We pray that you be safe and secure and God-led as you grow up to be the person He has designed you to be. Know that you are loved beyond blood, beyond time, beyond generations - draw strength from it, my love. It is all yours for the taking.
(A big thanks to all who came. Your presence was such a blessing!)
Special Thanks to Tito Chi-chuz for the Dedication Pictures. :)